within the last 10 years
Below is a selection of the projects that we have realised within the last 10 years and that we are currently implementing. To learn more about our projects and experience feel free to get in touch.
- Communication stratégique et diplomatie publique de l’Union européenne en Guinée
Country: Republic of Guinea
Period: 01/2025-12/2027
Client: EC
Volume: EUR 1,796,000.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Strengthening regional economic integration in the SADC region
Country: Botswana/SADC region
Period: 09/2024-09/2026
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 187,500.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Central Project Evaluation (CPE) of the German Federal Foreign Office-funded project “Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Asia“
Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Period: 01/2024-06/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 59,344.00
Implemented as: Lead Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Gender & Diversity in Law Enforcement within Protected Area Management in Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
Period: 03/2024-05/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 66,000.00
Implemented as: Lead Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Expert assignment to advise and support the CESARE programme
Country: Botswana
Period: 04/2022-05/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 37,200.00
Implemented as: Lead Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Final evaluation of the project “Human rights due diligence in the Congo Basin” financed by BMZ-BENGO
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Central African Republic
Period: 03/2024-08/2024
Client: WWF Germany
Volume: EUR 47,455.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Appui au pilotage des réformes des finances publiques
Country: Togo
Period: 07/2023-03/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 1,024,396.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for selected local self-government units in Western Balkans
Country: Western Balkans
Period: 10/2023-10/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 461,410.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Governance progress board for the Eastern Partnership countries
Country: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
Period: 10/2023-10/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 20,005.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - OACPS Gender Transformative Business
Country: OACPS member states (Rwanda, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic)
Period: 02/2024-03/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 521,500.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Strengthening the State-Citizen Relationship through improved Dialogue, Citizen Participation and Basic Services in Anbar
Country: Iraq
Period: 12/2023-05/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 1,423,520.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Event management service for GIZ-African Union partner events in various African countries
Country: African Union, Ethiopia
Period: 12/2023-12/2026
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 7,144,150.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Technical Support Facility to Companies for Job Creation
Country: Morocco
Period: 01/2024-01/2026
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 999,405.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Central project evaluation (CPE) of the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management III (GIDRM III)
Country: Global
Period: 06/2023-04/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 53,300.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Evaluation of the funding instruments 684 01 and 684 02 of the Minister of State in the Federal Chancellery and Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration
Country: Germany
Period: 03/2024-11/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 76,500.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Evaluation Verfassungsberatung/Constitutional Assistance
Country: Multi-country
Period: 02-09/2023
Client: German Federal Foreign Office
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - ECOWAS Peace and Security Architecture and Operations
Country: Nigeria, ECOWAS countries
Period: 09/2024-07/2027
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 121,800.00
Implemented as: Lead Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Opportunity assessment for individual measures of Public Administration Reform in Jordan – HR management
Country: Jordan
Period: 2022-2023
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 43,975.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Support to the EU Accession Negotiations in the Economic Sector in Albania II – Preparation of Action Plan (2nd Phase)
Country: Albania
Period: 12/2023-09/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 104,060.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - STE-pool for Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) – Lot 1
Country: Iraq
Period: 03/2023-08/2024
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 501,450.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - International expertise to carry out the activities of axis 2 of the SoDeR project in Morocco
Country: Morocco
Period: 11/2023-11/2025
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 1,105,880.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Technical support for the implementation of the DGG (Supporting decentralisation as a contribution to good governance) project in Rwanda
Country: Rwanda
Period: 01/2023-12/2024
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 1,428,575.00
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa
Country: Uganda
Period: 09/2023-02/2024
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 149,975.00
Implemented as: Lead Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Erstellung der nationalen Berichte über die Durchführung und Wirkung der europäischen Programme „Erasmus+“ und „Europäischer Solidaritätskorps“ in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Country: Belgium
Period: 06/2023-03/2024
Client: Ministry of the German-speaking Community in Belgium
Volume: EUR 57,850.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Appui aux communes dans leur processus de développement térritorial
Country: Tunisia
Period: 2022-2026
Client: EC
Origin of funding: EU-ENI
Volume: EUR 4,944,500.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Technical Assistance to the EU-PNG Partnership for Good Governance
Country: Papua New Guinea
Period: 2022-2026
Client: EC
Origin of funding: EU-EDF 11
Volume: EUR 5,471,250.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Evaluation du potentiel fiscal et non-fiscal et élaboration de plans d’actions pour l’augmentation des recettes propres des communes en Tunisie
Country: Tunisia
Period: 2022-2023
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 2,039,038.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Améliorer la mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation en Assaba (Mauritanie)
Country: Mauritania
Period: 2022-2023
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 1,253,360.00
Implemented as: Lead implementer
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Experteneinsatz zur Beratung und Unterstützung des CESARE-Programms
Country: Remote/Botswana
Period: 2022-2023
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 31,000.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Central project evaluation of the project „Global Leadership Academy III“ (GLAC)
Country: Global
Period: 2021-2022
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 51,785.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Étude élaboration d’un projet de loi nationale sur les registres de propriété réelle
Country: Cote d’Ivoire
Period: 12/2021-06/2022
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 43,240.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen durch Stärkung der Resilienz für ein friedliches und inklusives Zusammenleben in Niger ProRES
Country: Niger
Period: 2021-2024
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 100,355.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Capacity Development Support in External Cooperation for the African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL)
Country: Remote/Ethiopia
Period: 2021-2022
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Volume: EUR 43,700.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Assistance Technique d’appui à la réforme de la justice (PARJ II) en République Démocratique du Congo
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period: 2021-2025
Client: EC
Origin of funding: EU-EDF 11
Volume: EUR 8,198,500.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Referrals and Use of Each Other’s Work between the OAG, IG, PPDA and FIA
Country: Uganda
Period: 2020-2022
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 180,390.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - EU FWC SIEA 2018 Lot 3 – Drafting of the Gender Action Plan Country Level Implementation Plan and a Gender Analysis of the Green and Digital Sectors in South Africa
Country: South Africa
Period: 2021-2022
Client: DEU to South Africa
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 95,400.00
Implemented as: Lead implementer
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Technical Assistance to the Government of Uganda for the implementation of the Justice and Accountability Sector Reform (JAR) Contract
Country: Uganda
Period: 2019-2022
Client: EDF NAO, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED)
Origin of funding: EU-EDF 11
Volume: EUR 5,000,000.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Technical Assistance to the Parliament, to the Office of the Ombudsman, to the Ministry of Justice (MINIJUST) and the NAO
Country: Rwanda
Period: 2019-2022
Client: DEU to Rwanda
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 1,639,210.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - EU FWC SIEA 2018 Lot 3 – Mid-term Evaluation of the ‚EU Support to Democratic Governance (EU-SDGN)‘ Programme and Formulation of Phase II of the EU-SDGN Programme
Country: Nigeria
Period: 03-06/2021
Client: DEU to Nigeria
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 186,330.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Development of a General Financial Guideline of the Austrian Development Agency and corresponding Financing Directives for Individual Modalities
Country: Austria
Period: 2020-2022
Client: ADA – Austrian Development Agency
Origin of funding: ADA – Austrian Development Agency
Volume: EUR 35,105.00
Implemented as: Sole Contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Development of a Communication Strategy for the African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL)
Country: Africa (continent)
Period: 2020-2021
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Volume: EUR 30,150.00
Implemented as: Sole Contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - EU FWC SIEA 2018 Lot 3 – Analytical Study on Sport in Tunisia
Country: Tunisia
Period: 01-07/2021
Client: DEU to Tunisia
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 60,000.00
Implemented as: Lead implementer
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Evaluation ‚Access to Justice‘
Country: Multi-country
Period: 01-11/2021
Client: German Federal Foreign Office
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Support to the Development and Application of Standard Operating Procedures as well as to the Training of Judicial Police Officers
Country: Benin
Period: 10-12/2020
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Volume: EUR 39,875.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Support to Decentralisation (ADEC)
Countries: Tunisia
Period: 2019-2021
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 2,039,038.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Evaluation of German Humanitarian Assisstance in the Health Sector in Africa
Countries: Germany, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period: 2019-2020
Client: German Federal Foreign Office
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Evaluation - EU FWC SIEA 2018 Lot 3 – Enhancing the Visibility of the Cooperation between the EU and the Indian Ocean Commission (EVEC)
Country: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles
Period: 2019-2021
Client: DEU to Mauritius
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 500,000.00
Implemented as: Lead implementer
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Funding Area Evaluation V – Conflict Transformation and Peacebuidling
Country: Germany, worldwide
Period: 2019-2021
Client: Bread for the World, EWDE e.V.
Origin of funding: Bread for the World, EWDE e.V.
Volume: EUR 288,402.45
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Develop and Pilot and Organisational Performance Assessment Model in Armenian Municipalities
Country: Armenia
Period: 2019-2020
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 104,744.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Consultancy Services for the Development and Implementation of a Training Module on Migration Governance within the Context of the Migration Policy Framework for Africa (MPFA)
Country: AU, Ethiopia, Ghana
Period: 2019-2020
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 109,890.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Evaluation of the Programme „Border Governance in Africa ‚From Barriers to Bridges‘ – Support to the African Union Border Programme (AUBP)
Country: Benin, Ethiopia, Germany, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Zambia
Period: 2018-2019
Client: German Federal Foreign Office
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Volume: EUR 127,761.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Support to Implementing Anti-Corruption Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Period: 2019-2021
Client: DEU to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Origin of funding: EU-IPA
Volume: EUR 685,250.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Elaborating a Network Structure and Sustainability Strategy for the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA)
Country: Africa (regional), Ethiopia, Tanzania
Period: 04-09/2019
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 24,355.00
Implemented as: Sole Contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Evaluation of Bread for the World’s Consultancy Unit
Country: Germany, Paraguay
Period: 2018-2019
Client: Bread for the World, EWDE e.V.
Origin of funding: Bread for the World, EWDE e.V.
Volume: EUR 68,456.42
Implemented as: Sole Contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Justice in the Sector Reform Implementation
Country: Morocco
Period: 2018-2022
Client: DEU to Morocco
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 3,790,600.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Support to Fight Against Organized Crime
Country: Georgia
Period: 2018-2022
Client: DEU to Georgia
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 2,487,250.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Economic and Social Participation of Vulnerable and Displaced Population in the South Caucasus (EPIC)
Country: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
Period: 2018-2019
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Volume: EUR 50,511.00
Implemented as: Sole company
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Short-term Consultancy for Process Review/Development in the Area of Border Management in Nigeria
Country: Nigeria
Period: 07-08/2018
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Volume: EUR 33,589.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Provision of Establishment, Governance and Institution Support to the Tilitonse Foundation
Country: Malawi
Period: 2017-2018
Client: Tilitonse Foundation
Origin of funding: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in the Republic of Malawi
Volume: EUR 132,500.00
Implemented as: Lead company
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Strengthening the Capacities of the National Police of Chad
Country: Chad
Period: 05-06/2018
Client: GIZ
Origin of funding: German Federal Foreign Office
Volume: EUR 51,010.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of implementation: Short-term technical assistance - Technical Assistance to the Programme to Support the Justice Sector in Algeria (PASJA)
Country: Algeria
Period: 2017-2021
Client: DEU to Algeria
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 4,628,381.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - EIDHR – EU Election Observation and Democratic Support II
Country: Multi-country
Period: 2017-2020
Client: EC
Origin of funding: EC-FPI
Volume: EUR 3,996,600.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - EU FWC EIDHR Lot 2 – EU Election Expert Mission in Cambodia
Country: Cambodia
Period: 04-06.2017
Client: DEU to Cambodia
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 229,086.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Short-term technical assistance - Production of a „National Report on the implementation and impact of Erasmus+“ in the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Country: Belgium
Period: 2016-2017
Client: Ministry of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Origin of funding: EC
Volume: EUR 40,886.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Evaluation of KAS Country Programme Tunisia
Country: Tunisia
Period: 09-12/2016
Client: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)
Origin of funding: KAS
Volume: EUR 18,000.00
Implemented as: Sole contractor
Type of intervention: Evaluation - Justice for All: Enhancing Accessibility, Fighting Impunity
Country: Philippines
Period: 2013–2017
Client: Department of Interior and Local Government (DIILG)
Origin of funding: EU-DCI
Volume: EUR 3,272,342.00
Implemented as: Partner company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance - Project Management Unit of the Programme to support the Justice reform in DRC – PARJ
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Period: 09/2011-09/2017
Client: GIZ
Volume: EUR 7,742,013.96
Implemented as: Partner Company
Type of intervention: Technical Assistance - Technical Assistance to the 10th EDF Democratic Governance Programme
Country: Malawi
Period: 2011–2018
Client: EU-NAO/Ministry of Justice & Constitutional Affairs
Origin of funding: EU-EDF 10
Volume: EUR 5,555,550.00
Implemented as: Lead company
Type of intervention: Long-term technical assistance